Decomposed Granite and Crushed Stone Fines Visalia
Come visit our Visalia Yard 30617 Co Hwy J25 Goshen, CA 93227
It's The Same Rock, Why Pay More For it? There two types of D. G. products sold in the hardscaping and landscaping industry, true Decomposed Granite and "Crushed Stone Products." Most of the products sold as D. G. are actually crushed stone products that are by-products of processing larger sized stone material. Decomposed Granite is an effective material for creating excellent pathways, patios, driveways, and paving other light-duty surfaces since it does not get mucky or muddy like most crushed stone fines. There are some crushed stone products that are almost as effective as decomposed granite but do a trial area of at least 2 x 2 feet first, before buying and regretting later on.
There are many crushed stone products sold throughout the industry as "decomposed granite" and the names of these products have become very well established. You will find that we have made any corrections needed, and always looking for new information, in the product description to detail the composition of the material.
Decomposed granite is usually mechanically screened to 3/8" minus sizes, with a few decomposed granite products offered in 1/4" minus sizes. 3/8" Decomposed granite materials are great for use as landscape groundcover where has a very natural look. 3/8" materials are also durable for use in high traffic pathways, utility vehicles, and driveways or parking areas. 1/4" Decomposed granite materials are used for premium finished patios and walkways.